Teams make things happen at Cross Creek.
Josh Morris - 225-721-0333
Elders (Church spiritual leadership)
Josh Morris - 225-721-0333
Eugene Morris
Facilities Team Leader (Building and land)
Eugene Morris
Chuckwagon Team (Concessions and Food)
Pat Chaney
Judy Harris
Marketing Team (Facebook page, website, brochures, advertising)
Tina Jeansonne
Admin Assistant
Brandi Babin
Arena Team (Plans and executes outreach events outside the church, such as rodeos, ropings, and other events)
Audit (Finance) Team Leader
Chad Jeansonne
Music (band)
Sal Yenni
Talkers (greeting, welcoming people)
Chad Jeansonne
Buckaroos (children 8 and under)
Debi Morris
C-4 Ropers (ages 9-11)
Josh Stevens 225-276-1424
C-4 Ignite (ages 12-18)
Josh Stevens 225-276-1424
Care Team
Rusti Parrish-Sagona
Josh Morris, PastorJosh is a husband and dad of two young'uns, farrier by trade, horse trainer on the side, and loves the Lord, diesel trucks, and team roping. He's in charge of preaching and leading along with the lay pastors, team leaders, and elders. | EldersElders Eugene Morris and Joe Lamb, along with our pastor, Josh Morris, provide spiritual leadership. | Eugene, Facilities teamEugene and the facilities team take care of all things facility related. |
Music TeamThe music team leads us in worship every Sunday. Band leader is Sal Yenni. | Josh Stevens, Youth PastorJosh leads our youth in our C4 Ignite Youth Ministry. | Rusti Parrish-SagonaRusti is the Care Team leader as well as leading the Women's Round Pen on Wednesday nights starting at 6:30. Mom to 3 daughters and an avid horsewoman over the past 30+ years, she now manages Star Hill Acres horse boarding facility in Baker. |
How the teams make decisions.
Anyone can help out on a team, and each team will have up to 5-7 consensus-making representatives who are members of the church. When making decisions for the church, the team representatives should always keep in mind these five C's:
Is it Christ-centered?
Is it Cost-effective?
Is it Culturally Relevant (cowboy)?
Can the team representatives reach Consensus on this decision?
Is it Constitutional?